We have all heard that “we sell 100% Arabica coffee”. But… what is Arabica coffee?
Let's start with the essentials: the coffee plant family (which we already talked about in our previous post ) has more than 100 species, but only two are representative of the widespread consumption of coffee in the world: these are robusta (Coffea canephora) and arabica (Coffea arabica).
The name robusta is due to the plant's resistance to adverse weather conditions and also pests. The latter is largely thanks to the high caffeine content of its fruits, which become a kind of repellent.
It also grows easily at altitudes between sea level and 800 meters, making it a very easy species to grow. The amount of cherries produced by each plant is very abundant, and yet robusta occupies 30% of world coffee production. This is due to the lower quality of the final product obtained.
The final flavor in a cup of robusta coffee is bitter, intense and quite flat. It is mainly used as an ingredient in the preparation of coffee mixtures and instant products. Due to its characteristics, it is less valued than Arabica coffee, but its higher caffeine content and lower price make it popular for being cheaper.
As for Arabica , it is the species that is most produced and consumed (70% of world production). It is, however, more delicate and less productive since it requires very specific care and conditions to grow.
It is only grown at high altitudes and with non-extreme temperatures, generally between 600 and 2,000 meters above sea level. It is a very sensitive plant to diseases and pests, and with a much lower cherry production compared to the robusta.
The quality of the resulting drink is much superior, with smooth, sweet and fruity flavors. In contrast to the homogeneous character of robusta, arabica is full of nuances and complexity.
In the specialty coffee movement, primarily high-quality Arabica coffee is used. This coffee is grown in specific regions and carefully selected for its unique flavor and superior quality. Producers and specialist roasters work together to obtain the best result in terms of taste and aroma, often using sustainable and ethical production methods. The goal of the specialty coffee movement is to offer a unique, high-quality coffee experience to consumers.
At Hola Coffee we only use Arabica, and every time we talk about our coffee you will know that we are referring exclusively to this species.