If 100 species of coffee were not enough... there are many other Arabica-only varieties!
The two most frequent varieties are bourbon and typica, and its derivatives. The bourbon one produces an excellent cup of coffee, with a heavy body and a sweet taste. Its name gives us a clue: it was originated on the island of Bourbon, now called Réunion.
We also love the typical one: it originates from Ethiopia but is grown all over the world, and produces a clean, bright coffee.
Among the many other varieties that exist, a few more deserve special mention. Here we tell you a little about some of them.
Caturra: is a variety of Arabica coffee that originated in Brazil in the 1930s. It is known for its sweet and smooth taste and has a high yield.
Catuai: is an arabica coffee variety that is the result of crossing the Caturra and Mundo Novo varieties. It is known for its sweet and fruity taste.
Geisha: is an Arabica coffee variety that originated in Ethiopia and is now grown in Central and South America. It is the "celebrity" of the varieties and is characterised by being delicate and floral.
SL28: originated in Kenya at the beginning of the 20th century, its cultivation is delicate and it is characterised by a characteristic tropicality and juiciness.
Pacamara: is a large-bean Arabica coffee variety, which is the result of crossing the Pacas and Maragogype varieties. It is known for having a complex and fruity taste and for being resistant to diseases.
Castillo: Originated in Colombia in 2005 after years of research. It is characterised by a balanced flavour with chocolate, caramel and nutty notes. It also has a pleasant aroma and moderate acidity. It is a very versatile coffee variety.
BONUS INFO! When you see the Heirloom variety from Ethiopia, it is a lot of local varieties that are grouped under this name.
As we have already mentioned, Arabica coffee is much more vulnerable to diseases and pests than other coffee species. However, each of its varieties has particular weaknesses and strengths.
For example, Castillo arabica coffee is highly resistant to rust (a fungus) but is still exposed to other cultivation problems such as insect pests or parasites.
For the good development of an arabica coffee variety on a given piece of land, the coffee growers play an essential role and must have excellent knowledge of the cultivated variety and expert agronomic management of the plantation.
This will ensure the health of the plants and therefore the quality of the coffee beans.
To conclude, we leave you with the World Coffee Research website, which is highly recommended. It contains a lot of relevant information on all varietals.