Colombia - La Colombia

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Origin: Colombia, Ciudad Bolivar (exactly here) 

Process: Honey

Altitude: 1.600-2050 masl

Varietal: Caturra, Chiroso

Producer: various local producers

Harvest: 2022

Taste notes




For espresso, you can prepare it in your Italian coffee machine or if you have an espresso machine:

Use 18 grams of dose to extract 50 grams of drink per cup in a time of 20 to 22 seconds.

Variables to take into account:

PRESSURE: 8.5 Bars
MACHINE: La Marzocco Linea PB
MILL: Mythos 1
WATER: 70 ppm

For filter:
We use 20 grams of ground coffee and 340 grams of final water at 93C. We make three pours. The first one of 50 grams, wait 30 seconds and make two pours of 145 grams in a total time of 2' 30" / 3'.

Variables to take into account:

  1. METHOD: Kalita/V60
  2. GRINDER: EK43
  3. WATER: 70 ppm


This farm is located between 1,600 and 2,050 metres above sea level, with a natural reserve of more than 40 hectares, this place is magical and will simply take your breath away.

La Colombia has 130 hectares, of which 65 hectares are cultivated with coffee, 30 hectares in native forests and 40 natural reserves that we protect as guardians and that are not only home to species of fauna and flora, but also to water sources that supply the region, benefiting more than 100 families in the area.

All this makes Colombia a very special place for Cafelumbus, as this farm, due to its conditions and all the work of the collaborators, produces a high quality coffee and where there are also very special microlots, including Maragogype, Caturra, Geisha, among others.

Gonzalo, the manager of this farm, has been part of the company for 8 years, we appreciate his commitment and his open attitude towards learning new techniques for the production of specialty coffee with high quality standards. In addition, together with Sergio the Manager of all the Cafelumbus farms, they have been very successful in managing the more than 100 workers who come every season to harvest the coffee, which is 100% hand picked.
