Origin: Guatemala, Fraijanes Region, El Palmar ( exactly here )
Process: Natural
Altitude: 1,550-1,800 mts
Varietal: Catuai
Producer: Antonio Gonzales and Edy Aracely Samayoa
Harvest: 2024
Tasting notes: Blood orange marmalade, raisins, caramelized pecans.
La Nueva Montaña is an explosion in the mouth. It is a floral coffee, with notes of blood orange marmalade and raisins. It has a sweet background of caramelized pecan nuts. Its flavors are persistent, with a liquor-like acidity and a creamy mouthfeel. It is a very sweet and balanced coffee, ideal to drink alone or with milk.
Use 18 grams of dose to extract 45 grams of final beverage in a cup in a time of 26 to 28 seconds.
Variables to take into account:
- Machine: KB90
- Mill: Mahlkonig E68S
Baskets: VST 17gr
Water: Pentair 75ppm
Pressure : 7 bars
For filter:
We use 20 grams of ground coffee and 320 grams of final water at 93C. We make three pours. The first one is 50 gr, we wait 30 seconds and we make two pours of 135 grams in a total time of 3 and a half minutes.
Variables to take into account:
- MILL: EK43
- WATER: 70 ppm
Antonio and his wife, Eby Aracely Samayoa, have worked hard to fine-tune their processing practices in order to have the best product possible. Their dedication has helped take the quality of their coffee to the next level, and the results are in the cup!
"Together we take care of the environment to avoid any contamination. Producing honey and natural products is a very important way to improve our income and the salaries of those who work for us. The production of these special coffees also allows us to better understand our product," says Antonio.
"We want to support our children so that they can study at university," explain Antonio and Eby.
The varietal of this coffee isCatuai
Antonio’s coffees are processed with the utmost care and attention to detail at his mill, which is located at 1200 meters – a little lower than the farm where the plants grow, meaning stronger sun and warmer days that are perfect for drying the naturals. This year, with the weather a little cooler than usual, the mill’s location was key to ensuring good drying.
For this batch, only the ripest red cherries are selected and, once picked, they are placed in clean, sealed plastic bags in the shade. Antonio knows that fermentation begins shortly after the cherries are picked, and years of experience have taught him that the best results are obtained when this process is carefully controlled and as uniform as possible. He lets this coffee remain in the bags overnight for a short fermentation of no more than 14 hours, and then, early the next morning, the coffee is prepared for drying.
Antonio soaks the cherries in water to remove any dust or floaters (immature or malformed kernels). Soaking the cherries also serves to reduce the number of microbes and to homogenize the temperature of the cherries. They are then placed on raised beds to dry for about 20 days. When placed on raised beds, the cherries must be turned frequently to ensure complete and even drying. The cherries are turned four times a day while drying at regular intervals.
The final step is the grinding of the dried pods, which is carried out in our dry mill in Fraijanes, under the watchful eye of our experienced team of millers. The coffee is then sorted, bagged and prepared for export.